Shigeru Onoda


Who is Shigeru Onoda?

Shigeru Onoda he graduated as Shiatsu therapist in the Japan Shiatsu College in Tokyo in 1981, where he was granted the license that enables the practice of this therapy in the country. Even if that was not enough to Shigeru, he had another dream, extend Shiatsu beyond Japan and show it to the whole world. To do this, in 1984, he travelled to Spainto Madrid in particular, and created his own clinical Shiatsu and his own school, the Japanese school of Shiatsu. 

Due to the multiple treatments that was the end of the day, and their experience with hundreds of patients in Spain, Shigeru was able to secure the body to the japanese and the west are completely different; both anatomically and structurally. It was then when he started to work and develop Aze Shiatsu.

Master Onoda at his Shiatsu School in Madrid

And finally, Master Shigeru Onoda was able to see his dream come true by forging his Aze Shiatsu style. A style born out of the need to create a standard treatment in accordance with the needs of the style of european life after more than 36 years of experience in western patients.

Naturally, Master Onoda's Aze Shiatsu provides treatment on headaches, stress and absolutely all the ailments that the Shiatsu East can try.

Currently the Aze Shiatsu style is taught and practised every day by Master Onoda himself in the Japanese Shiatsu School of Madrid. The only school in which anyone can study, learn and to become qualified in this technique which has already gone around the world.

In addition, Master Onoda devotes all his free time to writing Shiatsu booksThe teaching material available to us at EJS is the result of his research and development work throughout his career.

Shiatsu facial


What are the benefits of a Shiatsu session?

Today, we develop in this article what is Shiatsu facial and its benefits, an article that can make us see Shiatsu in a different way, as a more versatile treatment than it may seem if we do not know much about this therapy.

Of course, everything related to Japan and beauty has been associated with good skin care for Japanese women, as well as the balance of body and mind.

With Shiatsu, we contribute to toning our musclesrelax at the same time as we reduce wrinkles What more could you ask for from a single therapy? Just as we exercise the muscles of our body in order to keep our skin smooth and healthy and to eliminate toxins, wouldn't it make sense to do the same for our face? The face is our calling card, the first thing others see of us and through which we express all our emotions.

Facial skin is very sensitive and needs a certain level of relaxation to properly receive any type of treatment. To achieve this, we recommend working the neck and shoulders before direct manipulation of the face. The tension and stress of everyday life affects our emotional level. This causes the body to contract as a protective and survival measure. Muscle tension is transmitted from the dorsal area up through the shoulders, neck and into the face. Therefore, by relaxing the shoulders and neck we influence the state of the facial muscles, facilitating further work. 

We must take into account the reason for the need for facial treatment. A bad face can make the observer think that we have a bad disposition or antipathy; this can provoke an unconscious rejection reaction.

 The accumulated tension makes us look older, aged. In addition, symptoms such as headaches, jaw tension, drooping eyelids, dental wear, crow's feet and abnormal hair loss occur. 

 Even the best make-up cannot hide these effects. Even superficial work on the face will not achieve the same results; it will never correct the problem. It is necessary, then, a technique that works at deep levels to restore the light to the face. Shiatsu harmonises the muscles, blood and lymphatic circulation and activates the parasympathetic nervous system. 

 The patient should be aware that the Shiatsu treatment is going to beyond simple massage relaxation, working deeply on all organ systems. 

How Shiatsu is performed in the facial area

The therapist will remain seated next to the patient's head, following the line of the patient's body. The patient will remain lying on the stretcher in the supine position. 

To begin with, we can play the eye and eyebrow areaIt is quite important, especially with the "colour" that this area has. The colour does not appear literally, we have to feel it. 

Depending on the colour, this is a symptom of problems related to a particular organ.

In Shiatsu there are different types of pressure in general, in the neck use a slow and deep pressure without leaving quickly. It is necessary to stimulate the area but without overdoing it. We have to keep in mind that Shiatsu is an oriental technique originally developed for easterners; the westerner is much more sensitive and less tolerant of deep pressure. Therefore, we have developed a style of Shiatsu suitable for Western bodies and minds. We call this Aze Style

Observing breathingfrom the abdomen (hara, in Japanese). If we apply good pressure, the breathing will become slower and more relaxed, reaching down to the lower abdomen. 


By relieving muscle tension in the neck, you can improves blood circulation of the area increasing oxygenation, lymphatic circulation with increased elimination of toxins and decompression of the nervous system. In addition, the energy channels that pass through the area are also released, increasing the energetic circulation. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, improving the lower area reflects an improvement in the upper area. Therefore, with a relaxed neck, the face will have much less tension. 

The duration of the complete Shiatsu treatment of the neck and face should not exceed thirty minutes. 

Shiatsu, as we have seen in this article, is much more than a technique to relieve back pain, as many people expect. With a complete Shiatsu treatmentThe improvement is noticeable all over the body, including the face. Find out more about Shiatsu.

Related to facial Shiatsu, but more focused on the aesthetics and improvement of the skin, we find the technique of Kogao Facelift.

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Aftermath of Covid


Since the start of the Covid 19 crisis, visits to the Shiatsu clinic have increased with cases of patients with pain from having passed on the virus. This is due to the countless sequels that is causing this virus, many of them ailments that we already treat with Shiatsu. In addition to the ailments derived directly from Covid, we have also encountered a greater number of patients with problems derived from stress or teleworking.

Most frequent sequelae

The most characteristic aftermath of Covid-19 is the pulmonary fibrosis. Also, cardiac and renal alterations have been documented, derived from the drugs or from the general inflammation generated by the virus. On the other hand, it can affect the brain and cause acute encephalitis in some patients.

Equally important are the after-effects on the vascular systemThe disease can form thrombi in the lungs as well as in other parts of the body. Secondarily, it can develop pulmonary hypertensionwhich would hinder oxygenation and exercise tolerance. This is why many of the people close to us who have undergone Covid tell us that they get tired sooner or are short of breath with any physical activity.

Mainly as a result of isolation, there are also cases of memory impairment and other emotional disturbances. Psychological disorders, anxiety, insomnia, mood swings or irritability are common.

In terms of persistent Covid-19, i.e. applied to people who have symptoms that are prolonged over time due to the virus, the most frequent symptoms are: the extreme fatigue, muscle painThe inability to perform everyday tasks, fever, respiratory disorders and loss of smell and taste.

With Shiatsu can alleviate some of the symptoms we have talked about, as it is indicated for those specific ailments: extreme tiredness, stress, anxiety or muscular pain. In addition, Shiatsu helps us to rebalance the whole body, improves blood flow and strengthens the immune system.

Do you want to know more? Consult the video of Dr. Santamaria on Shiatsu and the after-effects of Covid:


As teleworking and sedentary lifestyles have increased over the last year, the number of patients with telework-related ailments, such as:

Lumbar and cervical pain | Swollen legs | Back problems

It is not only the long hours spent sitting down that affect us. In addition, teleworking means for many people a higher stressMore hours in front of the desk using perhaps unsuitable chairs, more meetings and calls, and therefore increased anxiety.

Curso Profesional de Shiatsu con el Maestro Onoda

All of this leads to the accumulation of a lot of tension, which the body ends up manifesting in symptoms of pain and stiffness. We recommend to carry out self-hatsu exercises throughout the day to stretch the back, arms, neck and shoulders. Autoshiatsu exercises on the skull are also recommended to help prevent migraines and headaches. You can learn all about autoshiatsu at this book.

You can start 2021 learning with the best professionals how to improve the health of others, with the Shiatsu Professional Course.

Here is a video of Autoshuatsu for the cervical areaby Master Onoda, with exercises we can do every day to free our body from the drudgery of teleworking. You can also read our blog post on Low back pain.

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ONODA, Shigeru: Autoshiatsu, therapeutic self-massageJapanese School of Shiatsu, 2006.

Video of Dr. Santamaría. Shiatsu at the time of Covid.




shiatsu para dolor lumbar

Low back pain has a myriad of causes, including psychological stress. The lower back is located in the centre of the body, so it is not surprising that all problems are concentrated in this area. It is ane of the most common areas of pain for our patients.

The mechanisms that produce pain in the centre of the body, are often triggered involuntarily: our body undergoes an involuntary imbalance and instinctively tries to compensate with the area of the body that is not distorted. 

This can be made visible by anyone: the difference in height of the shoulders, the difference in height of the hips; the different length of the legs; postural asymmetry in general. 

When a tension appears, our body tries to solve it by compensating with another part within the same chain of work, this compensation is a defence mechanism which the body uses to escape from pain or tension and return to the comfort zone.

It would be easier to say that the imbalance causes postures in which the human body tries to escape pain. The human body has the ability to self-regulate, our body will always avoid pain and try to minimise energy expenditure, so if the shortening of a muscle causes pain or increased energy expenditure, our body will modify our posture so that it doesn't hurt.


1- It is usually a pain suffered by women. after childbirth.  

2- Poor postural habits: the position when looking at the mobile phone, uncomfortable chairs, poor posture when standing, etc.

3- Persons who work in an office or teleworking environment. The posture in front of the computer often makes us slouch. In addition, not getting up to stretch from time to time causes pain in the whole back and a lot of lumbar tension.  

teoría del aspa

When the same postures are maintained for many hours, deviations or imbalances in the sacroiliac joints can occur. So when there is a deviation or injury in the right sacroiliac area, the sacroiliac joints can be reflects in the right lumbar region and the left sacroiliac in the right lumbar region as an ASPA.

At this link you can access a chapter of the Aze Shiatsu Book on the application of Shiatsu in the Lumbar Region. 

You can also access the VIDEO Shiatsu Namikoshi for the lower back, to be practised at home. 

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With this post we intend to focus on shiatsu for the treatment of stress, with basic information about stress, related pathologies that we can treat with Shiatsu, and some exercises to do at home to help us relieve the feeling of anxiety and stress.

Stress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension, as well as a response mechanism the organism's response to external stimuli. 

When it occurs occasionally, it is not negative, as it keeps us alert and generates satisfaction and improves mental activity. But the problem arises when it responds to negative situations, as it can be detrimental to health. 

Stress is always somatised in a particular area of the body and gradually accumulates. Through the blood circulation, the body receives the warning first as a stiffening, then discomfort and finally in the form of pain. 

The tensions and pains that we feel are nothing more than calls for attention and signals the body sends us to become aware of the pressure and stress we are under. Perhaps this is the reason why Shiatsu treatment is on the rise, as it is concerned with responding to these signs that western medicine does not respond to. 


  • Headache: can be caused by various reasons: muscle tension that presses on vessels and nerves, hypertension, cervical dislocation, menstruation, etc. Except in certain severe cases, such as tumours, Shiatsu treatment is possible for this problem. Especially headaches, which cause pain on the sides of the head, can be caused by the change of weather, mental fatigue or stress. We all, without knowing Shiatsu, put pressure on our temples when we have a headache. 
  • Torticollis:  When we are sleeping, the body performs all possible movements to free itself from tension and fatigue: moving, sweating, etc. However, if the body is in a situation of mental stress or with too much accumulation of tiredness, it will not have enough energy to perform these self-healing movements and this is where torticollis often arises. In Shiatsu we conceive of torticollis as a notice of the body and we intend, in addition to removing local pain (neck), to work globally, i.e. the whole body, to balance the physical condition. 
  • Low back pain: has a myriad of causes, including psychological stress. The lower back is located in the centre of the body, so it is not surprising that all problems are concentrated in this area. 

Did you know that?

In the centre of the breast, at the level of the nipples, there is a pressure point called the Danchu. It is a point known for its great efficacy against tachycardia and depression. In Shiatsu, this point is treated for patients who are suffering from some kind of imbalance or stress. 

I must warn you that this is a very painful point to press. When you have located the spot, use your thumb to keep pressure on it and press for about a minute.


shiatsu para ansiedad

1. Sit on a chair or in the Seiza position (traditional Japanese way of sitting on your heels with your back straight, with your knees on the floor). 

2. Bring your knees close together and place your right hand under your left armpit, and vice versa.

3. Close your eyes and feel the warmth produced from the palm of your hands spread throughout your body. You can do this directly on your skin or on your underwear, for about five minutes, with calm and relaxed breathing. You will see how agitation decreases and the ability to concentrate increases. This exercise brings well-being to both mind and body. 

Breathing correctly not only hydrates our cells, it helps us to relax, relieve stress and ultimately improve our physical condition. 

Do you want to know more? The following video of parietal Shiatsu is very useful for relieving anxiety and stress:

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Characteristics of Shiatsu


Main characteristics of Aze Shiatsu 

In previous blog posts, we have seen what what is Shiatsu,  on Aze Shiatsu, y its main benefits. In the following, we briefly explain the main characteristics of Shiatsu therapy: how it works, what it is for and how it can benefit our health. 

1. It is ution of the hands only

Shiatsu therapy is carried out exclusively with the hands and fingers, which means that it can be performed anywhere and at any time. In other words, does not use any kind of equipment. 

2. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out at the same time

This means that when the therapist presses on each region of the body, he or she receives information about the state of the body through the hands and fingers. Through this data, the therapist is able to determine the correct therapy to apply, thus achieving greater effectiveness.

3. No side effects

Shiatsu is a natural therapy, without the side effects of medication. Moreover, it does not go beyond the limit of pleasant pain and produces muscle relaxation. In other words, when receiving Shiatsu, the patient will not feel a sharp pain, but a sense of relief as the session progresses.

Cómo actúa el Shiatsu
Infographic explaining the applications of Shiatsu

4. Can be used for any type of person

Shiatsu does not choose gender or age. It is valid for children, adults and seniors.  In each case, the pressure is modulated and the appropriate treatment is given.

When it comes to childrenShiatsu for babies, in early stages, helps them to improve their physical constitution. For this reason, Shiatsu for babies is encouraged, which can be performed by their parents and strengthen the bond with their children.

In the case of adults is used as maintenance and prevention of illnesses. It is also very useful for women: in menopause, pregnancy, hormonal and emotional disorders.

For patients with old age helps to soften the phenomena of ageing, preserving abilities and making the body more flexible.

5. Sive as a barometer of healthlud (Medicpreventive action)

When we receive Shiatsu periodically, it helps us to get to know our body and to discover the possible changes and irregularities that may manifest themselves. In this way, it allows us to solve and tackle possible imbalances in the body. 

In addition, Shiatsu prevents the accumulation of stress and fatigue, and helps to prevent the onset of many pathologies.

6. Mental effect

During the treatment, the communication between patient and therapist allows, through hand contact, to harmonise the breathing of both. In this way, feelings of gratitude, affection and empathy are generated, which guarantee very effective results.

7. Comprehensive treatment

When we receive Shiatsu on a regular basis, the whole body is worked on, balancing the organism and maintaining a state of health.

These are the main characteristics of Shiatsu. But we will analyse in more detail its application for different pathologies in the next few pages. blog entries.

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Do you want to learn how to apply Shiatsu to the cranial area? Very useful to release stress, you can apply it to yourself! WATCH VIDEO

To learn, consult the Courses of our School in Madrid.


Scientific evidence for Shiatsu


The medical evidence 

Do we know the scientific effectiveness of Shiatsu? Shiatsu and Western medicine have the same goal: to improve people's health. It is the way to reach this goal that is different. In Shiatsu, people are treated as an indivisible whole, mind and body, and through the global physical treatment, improvements are achieved both on a physical level (general and local) and on a mental level (stress, emotional imbalances, etc.). 

Shiatsu and Western medicine can complement each other, as advocated by the Dr. Federico Santamaría (doctor and Shiatsu therapist). Here is a summary of Santamaria's analysis of the laboratory studies carried out by the EJS in Tokyo.

Analysis of 5 studies from the EJS Tokyo research laboratory (2013-2017) by Dr. Federico Santamaría

They consist of a series of Shiatsu pressures on different lines of points on healthy volunteers who are monitored to document how Shiatsu influences our body through the autonomic nervous system. 

First study: work on the 6 points of the midline of the top of the head (22 volunteers)

Second study: 8 stitches midline of forearm (26 volun)

Third study: interscapular area (19 volun)

Fourth study: Upper nape of the neck and lateral cervical region (35 volun)

FifthSubscapular, infrascapular and lumbar area (34 volun)

The variables they will obtain from the monitored volunteers are pupil diameter, heart rate and blood pressure. They are looking for measurable and quantifiable effects on the autonomic nervous system. 

La eficacia médica del Shiatsu


First study: No effect on heart rate and blood pressure. No effect on the non-stimulation group. Produces pupillary constriction after stipulation, implying a vagal/parasympathetic effect. In the first 30 seconds, the pupil dilates.

Second studyNo effect on heart rate and blood pressure. No effect on the non-stimulation group. Produces pupillary constriction after stipulation, implying a vagal/parasympathetic effect. In the first 30 seconds the pupil dilates.

Third study (Yuketsu point of heart is worked on)Produces pupillary constriction in the first seconds, decrease in heart rate and blood pressure in the stipulation phase and after stipulation (= vagal/parasympathetic effect) to a greater extent than the resting group.

Fourth study: Very important area in Shiatsu for the cervical area as it accumulates tensions, including the "anmian" point for treating insomnia. It produces pupillary constriction in the first seconds, decrease in heart rate and diastolic blood pressure in the stipulation phase and after stipulation (= vagal/parasympathetic effect) to a greater extent than the group that remains at rest.

Fifth survey: Produces pupillary constriction and decreased heart rate during stimulation and after stimulation (= vagal/parasympathetic effect). Blood pressure is not altered, and there are no alterations in the non-stimulation group.


Shiatsu, in general terms, brings our organism into a vagal/parasympathetic tone. This effect is most easily observed in pupil size (pupil constriction) and to a lesser extent in blood pressure and heart rate.

An initial peak of orthosympathetic activation (with pupillary dilation) is observed, but then gives way to a vagal/parasympathetic predominance.

If we want to check the real scientific effectiveness of Shiatsu, we should not rely on subjective elements. We must prove its effectiveness with a system that can be measured in real figures, that can be measured. And to be able to measure pupil, heart rate and blood pressure is the right way. Through such studies we can prove that shiatsu has a real and demonstrable effect on the human body.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY: information taken from Dr. Santamaría's explanatory video:






Does it help to improve our health?

As we have already seen in the PREVIOUS ENTRYAze Shiatsu is the great creation of the Master Onoda and the fruit of many years of study and work with European patients, whose bodies do not have the same anatomical and structural characteristics as those in the East. We will now describe its benefits. 

And how does shiatsu work?

Clase de Shiatsu
Students in class to learn Shiatsu

Aze Shiatsu is an integral treatment. In each treatment the whole body is worked on, as working on the problem locally does not cure the cause, but the healing effect is temporary. The aim of this therapy is get to the source of the pain, repair it and eliminate it.

Diagnosis and therapy are performed at the same time as the practitioner applies finger pressures to the patient's body. These finger presses give the therapist the information to determine the best course of treatment.

It is important to note that with Shiatsu you will never feel pain. The pressure will always produce pleasant sensations in the patient's body. That is why it is important that the therapist is a professional and knows how to harmonise the pressure according to the area being treated.

Aze Shiatsu is perfectly applicable to men, women and children of all ages. In the case of children, Shiatsu aims to improve their constitution, strengthen their body and thus improve their natural development. For adults, on the other hand, it aims to maintain and improve the general condition.

What can we achieve with Aze Shiatsu?

Aze Shiatsu para bebés
Master Onoda giving an Aze Shiatsu class for infants

Much more than just treating the affected part of the body, Shiatsu manages to balance our bodies and regain our natural harmony. In our day-to-day lives there are many everyday, imperceptible situations that cause us to lose our balance. If we twist our ankle, the body protects the affected area by using the other ankle more, thus shifting our centre of gravity. Other daily examples are crossing one leg over the other or using one hand more than the other.

The Japanese are used to receiving Shiatsu very often and therefore need more and more stimulation. That is why they think that a treatment only works if the pressure is strong. This is the opposite of Western people, who are much less accustomed to this type of treatment.

The western human being is looking for a treatment that does not cause pain, and therefore demands much lighter pressure. The stimulation of the patient should always be minimal, and will only increase due to the ageing process, which requires more stimulation.

Aze Shiatsu thus distinguishes itself from Namikosh Shiatsu, it is perfectly adapted to the Western human body, its mentality and lifestyle to provide the same benefits and advantages as traditional Japanese Shiatsu.

And if you're wondering what "Aze Shiatsu" literally means, it does: "Search for key points outside the meridian lines".

If you want to learn Aze Shiatsu, the only place where this training is accredited is the Master Onoda's School in Madrid.


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