Since the start of the Covid 19 crisis, visits to the Shiatsu clinic have increased with cases of patients with pain from having passed on the virus. This is due to the countless sequels that is causing this virus, many of them ailments that we already treat with Shiatsu. In addition to the ailments derived directly from Covid, we have also encountered a greater number of patients with problems derived from stress or teleworking.
Most frequent sequelae
The most characteristic aftermath of Covid-19 is the pulmonary fibrosis. Also, cardiac and renal alterations have been documented, derived from the drugs or from the general inflammation generated by the virus. On the other hand, it can affect the brain and cause acute encephalitis in some patients.
Equally important are the after-effects on the vascular systemThe disease can form thrombi in the lungs as well as in other parts of the body. Secondarily, it can develop pulmonary hypertensionwhich would hinder oxygenation and exercise tolerance. This is why many of the people close to us who have undergone Covid tell us that they get tired sooner or are short of breath with any physical activity.
Mainly as a result of isolation, there are also cases of memory impairment and other emotional disturbances. Psychological disorders, anxiety, insomnia, mood swings or irritability are common.
In terms of persistent Covid-19, i.e. applied to people who have symptoms that are prolonged over time due to the virus, the most frequent symptoms are: the extreme fatigue, muscle painThe inability to perform everyday tasks, fever, respiratory disorders and loss of smell and taste.
With Shiatsu can alleviate some of the symptoms we have talked about, as it is indicated for those specific ailments: extreme tiredness, stress, anxiety or muscular pain. In addition, Shiatsu helps us to rebalance the whole body, improves blood flow and strengthens the immune system.
Do you want to know more? Consult the video of Dr. Santamaria on Shiatsu and the after-effects of Covid:
As teleworking and sedentary lifestyles have increased over the last year, the number of patients with telework-related ailments, such as:
Lumbar and cervical pain | Swollen legs | Back problems
It is not only the long hours spent sitting down that affect us. In addition, teleworking means for many people a higher stressMore hours in front of the desk using perhaps unsuitable chairs, more meetings and calls, and therefore increased anxiety.
All of this leads to the accumulation of a lot of tension, which the body ends up manifesting in symptoms of pain and stiffness. We recommend to carry out self-hatsu exercises throughout the day to stretch the back, arms, neck and shoulders. Autoshiatsu exercises on the skull are also recommended to help prevent migraines and headaches. You can learn all about autoshiatsu at this book.
You can start 2021 learning with the best professionals how to improve the health of others, with the Shiatsu Professional Course.
Here is a video of Autoshuatsu for the cervical areaby Master Onoda, with exercises we can do every day to free our body from the drudgery of teleworking. You can also read our blog post on Low back pain.
ONODA, Shigeru: Autoshiatsu, therapeutic self-massageJapanese School of Shiatsu, 2006.