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KENKO TAISO(健康体操) Shiatsu, healthy exercise

Select your 3 favourite exercises and practice them daily throughout your life.
好きそうな体操を 3 つ選んでください。 其の選んだ体操を一生毎日やってください

The Shiatsu is a manual therapy of Japanese origin that aims to maintaining and improving healthfocusing on the prevention as it helps to balancing the body in a holistic wayIt also improves posture and flexibility of muscles and joints. It acts on the body, the mind and the emotions. As therapists we can and should teach patients simple guidelines that will keep them in good health. Today we bring you a series of exercises to help maintain an optimal state of health. balancing the bodyThe new, easy to perform and to incorporate into our daily routines.

Shiatsu healthy exercises
Exercises to maintain optimal health
Shiatsu healthy exercises

Age-related changes in walking 加齢に伴う歩行の変化

Maintaining a balance between body and mind is essential.

Finally, we would like to remind you of some key rules:

1. Decrease the stress and anxiety.

2. Avoid greed. Live modestly.

3. Find your own way to relaxation.

4. Maintain the warm body. Do not drink cold beverages.

5. Do not overindulge in food. Avoid alcohol and tobacco.

6. Practice aerobic exercise.

7. Laughing a lot and thank you for everything.

8. Have a goal to achieve, a reason to live and a hobby for life.

And one Shiatsu session per week, no doubt.

Director of Jyuku, Shiatsu practice centre.Onoda Shigeru.

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